What is the root canal procedure?
Once diagnosed the need for treatment through the symptoms the patient described, which was seen in the mouth and X-rays, then it will proceed with Endodontics.
For starters, we proceed to place local anesthesia to the patient ,after the tooth is anesthetized a protective film called "rubber dam" is placed, this in order to isolate the tooth to be treated and keep it clean and free of saliva during the procedure, similarly, adjacent tissues of the part to be treated is protected, after which an opening is made to the crown of the tooth to introduce very fine instruments and clean the pulp from the pulp chamber and ducts that are contained in the tooth root, during this process auxiliary radiographs and apical foramen locator will be used.
After cleaning and shaping space ducts, these are filled with a biocompatible material called "gutta percha", which is accompanied by an adhesive cement to ensure complete sealing of ducts.
Once treatment has been completed, a temporary filling is placed in the opening, in the meantime that the patient can go to the general dentist for this to be changed by a permanent restoration of the tooth crown and restore full function.
There are cases where the tooth was badly damaged by decay or fracture and don’t have enough structure to hold any restoration, when this event occurs, must place a post before the crown.
It is important to know that not all root canal treated teeth need crowns ,or all teeth needing crowns previously, require a root canal.